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Friday, July 15, 2011

Finding Joy in Suffering, Pt. 2

So how are we to turn our suffering into a blessing?  That is a great question and one I seek to help you find an answer to.  I feel it is important for us to come to the realization that through our suffering comes good.  Let’s not misunderstand this statement, in no way am I saying that I like to hear that people are suffering because I know that God is using it for the betterment of them and/or those around them.  But let me also point out that my wisdom and understanding of this world is but a micro-sized speck compared to God’s wisdom.  There are many things that I hear and wish they would never have had to happen, but I do know that God is for us, not against us.  At the very least I hope that you can find peace in knowing that the Creator of all, He who loved us so much that He came to this earth in the flesh, so that we could be saved; He is paving the road that we all travel.  It is He that is bringing these difficulties into our lives.  It is so important to know that God loves us, because otherwise we could be discouraged at the thought of God bringing pain into our lives.  If we will just take the right approach when dealing with our hardships, we will allow God to use them for the good He intends them to be.  If you ever begin to get discouraged at the fact that God has created these pains for your life, and you just do not see the light at the end of the tunnel, not being able to see why or how God could use them for good, please do not turn your back on God.  Know that He loves you more than you could ever realize.  Do not forget that the greatest act of love ever committed was done by God Himself, and He did it for you.  In scripture we learn that Jesus is God in the Flesh.  Jesus and God are one in the same, there is no difference between the two, Jesus is God and God is Jesus.  So when you are down, do not let it escape you that He who is allowing these difficulties in your life, is the same One that sacrificed Himself for you, so that you could forever be in His presence.  Friends, I do not know about you, but I know in my heart that God’s love for us is so deep that He provides us our salvation. He would not bring sufferings into our lives unless it was for our own good. 

            There are some people who convince themselves that there is no suffering to those who have great faith.  Now let me clarify, I am talking about people who believe that if you have enough faith you will never get sick, never have anything that is conflicting with your happiness come into your life.  This is simply not true and is actually an act of unfaithfulness towards God.  Think about this, how much faith are you showing God if you begin to make yourself truly believe that through enough faith, there will be no suffering?  When you do this are you not telling God that you do not trust in His perfect plan?  In what way are you showing God your complete trust in Him when you do not believe that He is using our sufferings for good?  We show God our true faith and trust in Him when we surrender ourselves to Him, allowing His Will to be done, and not wishing for that of our own. 
            Why is it that some will condemn those who are suffering, making statements that we suffer because of our sins.  Suffering does not automatically make you a victim.  Yes, sometimes we do suffer because of our sins, but this is not the case for all of our suffering.  It is good to know that suffering is not necessarily a punishment for sin; but rather it is always for the betterment of us.  To give us an example of this, will look at John 9:1-3, in which Jesus and His disciples came across a blind man; - “As He went along, He saw a man blind from birth.  His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”  “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.””  Another thing to make note of, is that suffering is not to be avoided at all costs.  There are times that God calls us to hardship, pain, and suffering.  I once heard a statement that reiterates this in a sense that is easier for us to relate with and it goes like this, “I would rather have a bumpy ride to Heaven than a smooth ride to Hell.” 
            With the goodness that comes from suffering, we should just stand by and allow evil to happen, right?  No, in no way should we passively allow evil to happen; and suffering is no excuse for permitting it to happen.  God does not use suffering as an act of atonement, but an act of sanctification.  Our suffering is not God making us come good on our sins, as some people think that is the case.  It is not, Jesus came and paid the price for our sins, and through faith in Him we are freed from sins deathly grip.  Though I hope to help myself and others understand why we suffer and how there is good that can come from suffering, I must also say that I do not think suffering is to be fully understood in this life.  I do not think we have the knowledge, nor the cognitive ability to fully grasp God’s use of suffering in our lives.  To just make a quick point on this, there are many things in this world that I just do not understand why people have to go through the immense pain and sufferings that comes from the circumstances that some people encounter, but that is because our wisdom is minute compared to God’s, as well as our way of thinking compared to His. 
            Our God is Sovereign; there is not an instance that goes by that He did not put into action.  There is never a moment that He is not in control.  It is easy for us to wonder why our loving God, who is in complete control, would allow for us to suffer.  Our suffering is not beyond the goodness of our Sovereign God.  We are reminded of this in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”  Let me also point out that man brought suffering to himself.  When God created this world along with Adam and Eve, everything was perfect; there was no pain or suffering.  It was man who disobeyed God, man brought suffering onto himself.
            When we see others suffering at times that we are not, this does not mean that we are in a better situation with God. If you allow yourself to feel this way, you are forgetting the life of our Savior Jesus Christ.  One thing that is hard to understand is why the people who are wronged usually the ones who are the victims to suffering.  Why is it not the one who does the wrong that suffers?  Do not fret; if you have been wronged, understand that God will right all wrongs.  Do not hold resentment and vengeance in your heart towards the person who has hurt you; follow the example that our Savior gave us, pray for them.  Matthew 5:44 - “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you…” Free that resentment from your heart, understand that God is your vindicator, He brings justice to all injustice; in the end God will set the crooked paths straight.  We need to be careful not to rejoice when others suffer.  When a politician falls, a celebrity falls, we should not rejoice at their failure. 
            If we will put God at the center of our hearts, trusting in Him at all times, we should rejoice in suffering.  Some will think this is cruel, but that is because they relate rejoicing to a feeling of joy.  Joy is an emotion, and you cannot command someone to have an emotion.  You cannot walk up to someone experiencing deep pain and order him or her to feel happy.  Likewise, you cannot walk up to a couple on their wedding day and tell them to mourn, it just does not work that way.  Rejoicing, however, is possible when we suffer.  The reason to rejoice is because we know that God can do something good; in suffering there is an opportunity for much to made of in us through Jesus. 
            There will be suffering and when you suffer, do it well.  Suffer like Jesus; let Him use your suffering for the good of the world.  Invest your suffering in the Gospel of Jesus, into the people who know Him, and those that need to know Him.  You do not rejoice because of the pain of suffering, you rejoice because of the magnitude of the works being used by Jesus through your suffering.
            John 16:33 – “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me.  Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

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